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laser therapy for pets

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Well, it's a bit of high-tech which promotes and speeds up the body's natural healing processes in dogs, cats, rabbits, horses and many other types of animal by reducing inflammation, muscle spasms, pain and swelling, as well as stimulating cellular function to repair and heal damaged tissue.


The list of conditions that are treatable with laser therapy is pretty long, including acute and chronic pain and inflammation, post-operative pain, skin wounds, ulcers, gingivitis and stomatitis, intervertebral disc disease, muscle contracture, sprains, strains, trigger points, peri-anal fistulas, fractures, oedema, arthrosis/arthritis, eosinophilic granuloma and back pain.

Psycho Laser Therapy
  • 15-30 minute sessions
  • 2-10 sessions, depending on need
  • Treats all pathologies involving pain, inflammation, wounds, swelling and ulcers
  • Non-Invasive
  • Painless (True!)
  • And it will break ONLY ONE of your piggy banks! (Kidding!)

Laser therapy uses light to enhance and speed up the natural healing processes in our pets (and us!) by delivering energy to affected tissue, where it interacts with specific molecules, which leads to several different biological effects. These different effects are important and relate to the various characteristics of the laser beam produced and used. Wavelength, power, temission modality, frequency and amplitude of pulses (for pulse lasers) all account for differences in effect on whatever tissue type the therapy is intended for... and the combination of all these things has made possible the development of specific treatment settings and programmes (in our little machine) for various conditions in different sizes of animals.

The word "LASER" is actually an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Developments in technology and improvements in knowledge about the effect of light on living beings has resulted in laser therapy becoming one of the most popular techniques used today in physical therapy.

Aaaaannnd... it's painless and non-invasive! During the therapy, your pet is wide awake and is free to let us know if he's not happy about something (no biting please!). Most of the time, all types and temperaments of pet just lie there comfortably and quietly... sometimes even sleeping!



The process begins with diagnosing your pet's condition correctly (OBVIOUSLY!) and understanding whether or not she will benefit from this type of therapy. If the decision by our vet and you together is to go ahead with the therapy, it will be important that both our vet and you carefully and closely monitor your pet's reaction/response to the treatment because if there has been no happy response after three sessions, then either the configuration of the treatment itself needs to be adjusted (in our little machine), the frequency of treatments needs to be changed, or the diagnosis itself needs to be questioned and reevaluated.

DKC treats all pathologies

Our little laser therapy machine has a small handheld-device-thingy attached to it by cable, called a "probe". The machine produces a strong, focused laser-light which emits from the probe, and our vet or nurse presses the probe gently against the region of your pet's body where the pain or discomfort or healing wound is.

A session lasts about 15-30 minutes, and a full treatment cycle usually involves 2-10 of these sessions, depending on the nature of the problem. Generally speaking, the more chronic the problem, the longer the treatment cycle is expected to be; so, acute injury will require fewer sessions than, for example, a chronic case of longstanding arthritis. Skin wounds are different, usually requiring daily treatments with the laser until healing has occurred. For all other conditions, treatments either happen every second or third day depending on the case and how your pet responds.



In truth (really, in truth!), laser therapy is a painless, non-invasive, quite wonderful treatment which takes very little time and almost always results in a happier, more comfortable pet... and pet owner. And you can even join your pet and the vet in the sessions!

Teeth Brushing ~ Should I or Shouldn't I?

Teeth brushing!!? For pets!!?? Oh my goodness!! What is the world coming to?!

Well, that'

<h5>Teeth Brushing ~ Should I or Shouldn't I?</h5><p>Teeth brushing!!? For pets!!?? Oh my goodness!! What is the world coming to?!</p> <p>Well, that's probably too philosophical a question for us humble pet owners, so just know this: the less effort and time you put into your dog's or cat's teeth at home, the more likely you will face serious dental issues (and costs) in the future. Yep, it's a sad truth.</p> <p>Dental plaque and tartar build up on your dog's teeth just like it does with us humanoids, so brushing your pet's teeth once daily is best.</p> <p>Once daily!? Can you even <i>imagine</i> doing it this often?</p> <p>It <i>is</i> a lot of work, that's true. Furthermore, some dogs and cats <i>really</i> don't like having their teeth brushed (especially those chompers at the back), which of course will make the job all that more difficult and tiresome, for both of you. But if you get the right tools of the trade (at pretty much any pet shop) and keep at it, the difference will amaze you. Truly. And in fact, if you can't manage it every day, or even every week, then just do what you can whenever you can, because within reason, in this case, <i>something</i> is always better than <i>nothing</i>.</p> <p>This said, there are alternatives to brushing (yay!)... but they're not quite as good (boo!). Dental gels can be rubbed on the gums, and there are products which you can put in their drinking water to help reduce the bacterial load in the mouth. And dental chews of various shapes and sizes do exist, which may or may not be beneficial ~ you'll need to try them and see!</p> <p>Ultimately, if you notice bad breath on your pet or are in any way worried about their teeth, a quick veterinary check will let you know if you need to have your pet's teeth scaled and polished (just like you do when you go to the dental hygienist yourself) ~ most pets will need this done as they get older ~ usually yearly.</p> <p>So what's the point of home dental care if you gotta visit the vet anyway? Well, seriously, frequency of need and cost ~ and the comfort of your pet, of course. You'd be very surprised how many dogs and cats are not feeling as well as you might think, until you see the difference after they've been to the vet for a cleaning and, sometimes, extraction of rotting teeth and sore gums.</p> <p>Sorry folks, but that's the tooth.</p>
Clipping my pet's claws ~ How often should I do it?

When to clip your dog's claws depends on the amount of exercise your dog gets and, importantly, t

<h5>Clipping my pet's claws ~ How often should I do it?</h5> <div class="faq_ans_img"><img loading="lazy" src=""></div> <div class="faq_ans_text"><p>When to clip your dog's claws depends on the amount of exercise your dog gets and, importantly, the type of surface your dog exercises on. If you can manage to get some walkies time on rougher surfaces (such as roads (but be safe!)), this will usually be sufficient to maintain those claws at a good length. (Oh, and by the way, a good part of puppy training should always include playing with their feet ~ this gets them used to having their paws and claws touched, making it easier as they get older to clip those claws when necessary.)</p> <p>As for cats... well, they have retractable claws (very high-tech!), and so they keep them smooth by scratching on posts or (don't say it!!) your furniture... when they get their claws out! As for length, however, this usually requires a little hands-on maintenance on your part... or on the part of your vet... whichever of you has more confidence. <img alt="" src="/graphics/ic_wink.png" height="15" width="15">  (It's not too difficult, though, so why not ask for some training?)</p> <p>The amount to be cut off depends on the nail length and the length of the small blood vessel within the nail, all of which you need to learn a bit about and can ask any vet or a good kennels/cattery handler about, and then you're off and running.</p> <p>Oh, and by the way, don't forget to clip your bird's claws too!</p></div>

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